Book Distribution:

Servant, HG Avinash Krsna Das

(A Chemical Engineer by profession, holding important positions in various corporate companies and now a globe trotting businessman, Avinash Krsna Prabhu manages his profession well and ensures that his book
distribution service is intensified at every step).

We buy Srila Prabhupada's books and devotional paraphernalia
in bulk from BBT worldwide and distribute them all over New Zealand. Books are distributed through:
• Gift Shop in our Saturday Namahatta programme
• Display stall alongside Free Prasadam Distribution project
• Distribution on the streets
• Display stands in Major public festivals
• Display stands in various shops & stores who agree to sell books on our behalf
• Support devotees who do book distribution but are unable to buy at bulk price

• Any other way to distribute Srila Prabhupada's message to the whole world

From 28.8.2014 we have started Book Distribution by putting up paraphernalia stalls at various public night markets in Auckland, New Zealand.

Please email us if you too are interested in supporting or participating our book distribution project at: